
Affordable Ethics

We are a group of volunteers and local organisations who want a better, cleaner, less wasteful Cynon Valley.

About Us

Our Beliefs

We believe in a world where zero waste is not only for those who can afford it, where environmentally friendly options are not prohibited by cost, where everyone can make a difference.

Get Involved

Take Part

Take part in one of our waste reducing activities and share the results with us.


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Talk to us

Tell us your best ideas for reducing waste and we will share them with the wider community.


Zero Waste Activities

Little Leek-Along!

We need your help! At the Cilfynydd Little Garden we are only allowed to do essential work. March is here and it is time to start sewing seeds. SO we hit on the idea of a community grow along. In honour of St David’s favourite vegetable there are leek seeds for you to collect from…

Ally’s Top Tips

Our March Guest Blog is from Ally in Church Village who shares these great top-tips for reducing your waste. You can follow her on Instagram I’m originally from Perth, Australia and came to the UK on a Working Holiday Visa by myself and doing my own thing.I have been living Zero Waste for around four…


Huge congratulations to all who took part in our European Week for Waste Reduction competitions. Prizes are available to collect from Cilfynydd Community Pantry between 18:30-19:30Thursdays or 10-11:30Fridays. See all poster entries here See all other entries here The poster competition was judged by Cynon MP Beth Winter, she said; I really enjoyed looking through…

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